Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Origins, Day 4: Sunday

On this last day of the convention, I took Henry down for his traditional Sunday visit. He definitely got more out of it this year than last -- instead of 90 minutes, we were together there for over four hours, including a lunch at (yet again) North Market.

Thanks to a tip from Kristin, I steered him to the table of a small company called GameBrotherz, which makes games for small children and operates out of Quebec. (The accents of the people at the booth were all that you could have hoped for, as were their side comments to each other en francais.) We tried two of their games, "Boo" and "Spuzzle"; Henry liked both of them, but neither one really got me fired up, since both are as completely luck-based as Candyland. (They are also not listed on Henry is agitating for me to order "Boo" for him (the company brought no stock to the convention, and fulfills orders only online, which I believe is a fatally flawed model since it eliminates buys in the heat of the moment), but I'm going to drag my feet until he forgets. Here he is playing the game with la femme quebecois:


After lunch, we attended the final raffle drawing from the Dice Tower podcast. I'm thrilled to have won the Civilization board game, but I'm not sure what I will do with it, since four-hour games really aren't my thing. Then we closed out the day by meeting up with Kristin for a game of Forbidden Island, which is one of Henry's favorites to play with grownups. Appropriately for our last activity at the convention, we won a narrow, last-minute victory.

Thanks to the schedule change, there are just eleven months until next year's Origins . . . but if we could avoid losing Looney Labs, Tom Vasel and Comfest, I would gladly wait the extra month. I hope this year's Origins is not looked back on as The Last Good One.



Blogger Brucifer said...

If you're looking for a home for your new Civ game, look no further...

6:38 PM  

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