Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Shades of Magneto?

Things died down in Chicago for our Group of Wonders for a while - but only for a while (we are all weirdness magnets, after all, even if we don't get the points). About a month later, Kevin's martial artist was approached at a big expo (in full view of some other members of our group) by some people claiming to represent some kind of alliance of superpowered beings, with vague goals and a general request to come join them. He turned them down, but they promised to visit him again.

Three days later, five of these people showed up at Kevin's dojo, where Craig, Bruce & Bill were hanging out. They were armed - double swords sheathed on their backs - and driving a rented SUV. They were polite, but firm in issuing the invitation again - come meet with their boss, who would explain what they were up to. After some deliberation, Kevin agreed, and they left to set up the meeting with their kingpin.

The meeting was held on the 53rd floor of the Hancock Building, Chicago's second-tallest, in the offices of a financial analysis firm that obviously had a lot of money. The team arrayed itself with four folks (Kevin, Brian, Bill & Craig) openly walking into the meeting, while Jeff & Schmitty tagged along Invisibly and Mike & Bruce waited in the elevator shaft insubstantially, listening in by open cell phone link.

The group was shown into a large corporate office, where we met the Big Kahuna (with his five sword-carrying henchmen lounging nearby). He started to explain his grand plan to create a "safe space" for "people with powers such as ours", making vague references to friends in important places in the economy and the government - all against the day when the government finally figured out that we exist and came after us. It sounded vaguely like a Magneto-esque "homo superior" argument, or perhaps B5's Bester explaining the inevitability of the ascendance of psis over "mundanes".

While this droned on, Jeff and Bill felt their powers start to drain away. Bill stood up, told the fellow that he had no interest in following the latest tin-pot dictator to walk the earth, and walked to the door - but was blocked from leaving by one of the muscle, who drew his swords and barred the way. Alarmed, Craig attempted to change form - only to have his form shift back uncontrollably. Brian tried to calm things down with an appeal to reason (nice try!) and Jeff decided to take the offensive by striking the kingpin fellow with a massive Deathtouch spell - setting off an extensive fantasy physics discussion that pretty much ended the night. I think the resolution was that the kingpin took FT rather than HT damage, but was affected. Bruce, sensing that something is up, is headed our way with Mike in tow. Jeff's last action, right after the Deathtouch, is to teleport out - he's about out of FT.

Next time, we'll see what we can do against a group of five apparently-good martial artists with swords, plus a kingpin who may be sucking our powers, while none of us have access to our major offensive abilities. This could get interesting - and not in a good way.


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