Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Origins, Day 3: Saturday

Today, for the first time in many years, I was able to enjoy Origins surrounded by friends -- Bill and Bruce both decided to take in the show via the reasonably priced day pass, and Bruce brought his daughter Catherine as well. We couldn't resist the offer of a demo of WizKids' new game Star Trek: Expeditions, a co-op game in which the players act as characters from J.J. Abrams' recent film (I was Bones) and work together to fulfill missions on a planet that may or may not join the Federation. (Yes, Kirk is called upon to seduce people.) Repeated shameless name-dropping: Tom Vasel stopped briefly at our table to ask what we thought about it.

The trade room and North Market took up the middle of our day. Bruce and Catherine had to leave for the afternoon, so Bill and I learned to play Agricola from my friend Kristin, then tried a couple of Looney Labs demos.

Side note: I'm not the hugest fan of Looney Labs games who ever lived, but I will sorely miss the spirit they brought to Origins when they stop participating next year due to the schedule change.

Games played: Star Trek: Expeditions, Agricola, Pirate Fluxx, Seven Dragons
Games won: Star Trek: Expeditions



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