Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

"Please Pass the Griff"

28 September 2006-

It hasn't generally been our practice for the GM to provide the recap of his own adventure, but Brian seems to be in a Rodian-inspired rut, so here we go...

We continued this week without eBill, who was AWOL for some forgotten reason, and picked up where we had left with the pirates. They quickly spilled their guts to us about their nefarious activities, and confirmed that they had been raiding the planet below in the guise of Rebel Alliance members ("Gee, we sure hope that doesn't come back to haunt us!"), and taking gold from various local communities, including that of our eventual target- the Godking. Thus made wary, we landed at a more remote village and learned the proper etiquette for greetings and other social events on this planet, such as how to offer a truce before being attacked by the locals for raiding their villages (it involves offering up fresh griff meat, among other things).

Once we had that bit straight, we went on a griff hunt, and brought one down in the traditional manner, using javelins. We then called in our ship to pick us up, because one of the problems with griff-hunting is that it tends to attract "eaters"- big, velociraptor-like predators with a keen sense of smell. Sure enough, one was on the way to get us, but eMike blasted it with the ship's main guns, producing a Paranoia-like kill that left just the smoking talons.

Next week, we play the palace!


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