Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

And Then There Were Three

20 April 2006 --

Ah, when plot threads converge into a whole cloth of whoop-ass. Once we repelled Satan's Sidekicks from Nationwide Arena, our precog claimed that she now saw images of our Lost Girl (the energy-blasting high schooler on the lam) joining up with that same Brimstone Bunch. So now the race was on to get to her before they did.

And finally (not to mention conveniently), we had some actionable intelligence. The precog also was able to see the face of the person Lost Girl was now trying to find: a teacher from her school. Jeff's robot did a quick net search to help find a name and address to go with that face, and off we went.

Hardly a moment too soon, too. We arrived just before the girl did, and the bad guys attempted to drive down through the roof moments afterward -- with the exception of their Earth-based Brick, who came up through the floor in the living room. Bill's teleporter spirted the girl away, but had to leave the hapless teacher, so Brian's transmuter and Craig's speed-hound had to keep the Brick occupied to allow her escape.

Meanwhile, thanks to quick thinking and good rolls, the rest of our crew were able to neutralize (okay, murder) two more of their side: the shadowcaster and the force-field guy. The surviving three teleported away again . . . but these guys don't seem nearly as intimidating as they did before we started bumping them off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Genesis reference.

This was the first fight in a while where we got teamwork right. We repeated the teleport-the-bad-guy-between-the-bricks trick to wipe out Shadow Boy (who had been our biggest tactical problem before); Mike's long-lost Psychedelic character illumated the invisible guys so they made better targets; Southern Cross and Sentinel teamed up to lop one of them in half (Darth Maul, anyone?); and a bunch tag-teamed the rock-brick (punch-drain-acid: ouch!) I don't know that we've ever been that effective.

All of which, of course, made the Big Bad Guy's ending "we'll be back" taunts ring a little bit hollow...

8:19 AM  

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