Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Self-Loathing Elves (or Elf-Loathing Selves)

12/29/05: Moments after we emerged from the secret underground passageway into the basement of the town's least suspicious inn, we engaged a couple of invisible foes, only to discover that they were -- the elves who worked there. The he-elf and she-elf professed their innocence and claimed they knew nothing of the secret tunnels -- claims that were undercut by the presence on the wall of a map of the passageways. Inconvenient little detail there.

Turned out the elves had been helping the inn's owner to increase suspicions in the town in a bid to weed out competition. And they had been doing it for nothing more than money, which is rather inexplicable motivation for an elf, especially since the job involved working with half-orcs.

The inn's owner tried to make a getaway, but while his horse was fast, Bill's arrow was a good bit faster. (It's a shame that dog got shot when the bystanders turned against us, though.)


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