Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Roll Credits

16 August 2007-

Our discussion of how best to escape with our lives, our data, and our unconscious Moff were rudely interrupted by the arrival of a pirate boarding party in the section of the ship where we were hiding, so we had to move. With the Jedi leading the way, we cut through the opposition (some of us more literally than others, who were using the less elegant-but very practical- "just blast them" approach) and made for the hanger bay. There, we boarded the same Imperial shuttle that Craig's character had previously been captured for boarding and prepared to "exit, stage right".

Unfortunately, our informant contacted us and informed us that the pirates had set the cruise ship to ram the Rebel base in the nebula- the very one we were supposed to get to, so we had to come with a "Plan C"- send our pilot and a gunner to go warn the Rebel base, while the rest of us saved the cruise ship and her passengers.

We immediately headed back to the engineering deck, where there were a bunch of rooms with names like "Navigation Support," "Power Control," or "Computer Core," thinking to stop the ship from one of these locations. In a stunning reversal of standard science fiction protocol, however (and here I am thinking most clearly of Star Trek, where this sort of thing happened so often that they probably should have just removed Auxiliary Control in favor of a zero-G hot tub), we found the controls locked out, and the bridge in complete control of the ship. The one saving grace was that we were able to call up engineering schematics on the ship, and get into the air ducts, thus allowing us to get to the bridge relatively smoothly. There, we were able to blast the pirates and seize control again. Another plan, flawlessly executed!


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