One Giant Leap for Nerdkind

11/10/2005: After several false starts (a well-hidden on/off switch for the wireless card, a weak signal, and an uncooperative AOL app, to name a few), eBill is a reality. Bill joined us from Indianapolis via a two-inch-square webcam window. Craig dubbed our achievement "the world's first online tabletop RPG" -- though it's probably a safe bet someone else has done this before. We are now approaching the nerd factor of the kids from Galaxy Quest.
The gameplay itself suffered a bit, largely because it took us so long to reach eBill's "The eagle has landed" moment, but also because the novelty of the technology inspired some goofiness on our part. (The knight puppet wandering through Bill's field of vision would have worked better if Bruce could keep a straight face.) The only real story advancement was that our investigation into the speciesist hate crimes continues. We haven't even picked a fight yet.
Where's the picture??
yes -- surely, there must be photographic evidence of ebill!!!!???
A photo was taken, by Bruce - perhaps he hasn't emailed it yet...
I sent it last week after the game.
So B has dropped the ball on the visuals. Humph!
Apparently Brucifer sent it to the wrong address. Hopefully B can get it up and running.
And hopefully we can pick a fight during our next session - we've been entirely too peaceful and civilized!
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