Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Eight Supers Walk Into a Bar...

11 November 2010-

No, really! That's how it started!

We started our new GURPS: Supers campaign tonight, with few of our PCs knowing each other, and every reason to be cautious. This supers world is less four-color than we've done in the past, and should feel a lot more like "Mage" or "Buffy," with more supernatural ties and fewer mutants, mutates, or powered armor types- and no governmental sanction.

In any event, all of our PCs are investigating some strange drug/gang activity in Chicago, where people with no history of drug involvement are first seen dealing, then later found decapitated. There are no obvious patterns or connections, and people are starting to worry. For different reasons, we've all been investigating the crimes, and have been led to a particularly seedy bar called "The Bitch's Brew," where some of our PCs were able to detect evil, magical things going on. For the rest of us, it just seemed to be a dive, with drug dealers in the corners and an attractive woman entertaining a number of smitten men near the bar.

Kevin's martial artist tried to get some information on her from Craig's martial artist, who is- unfortunately- one of the smitten, but was rebuffed by the attractive woman's posse, who started to get nasty. Brian, the "verminator," (I don't know his name, but he seems to control vermin), came in to look around, as did Bill's telekinetic, Bruce's werewolf, eMichael's ice-man, Jeff's sorcerer, and Schmitty's "Pokemon" guy. When Kevin's situation turned into a brawl, Bruce tried to intervene to stop the fight, but was stopped by Craig's guy, who started in on Bruce. The two of them went head-to head for a couple of seconds before Bruce had to retreat with a broken arm and a single hit point. By then, the woman (a witch of some sort), was on to at least some of our guys, and tried to incinerate Brian with a flame jet. She missed, but he dehydrated her as the guy next to him was incinerated. eMichael, who had gone to the restroom to change, returned and peered into the room while the fight heated up, and everyone started getting prepared for a more serious fight.

And- that's where we had to leave off. More next week!


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