Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Let Me Sum Up

18 Jun 2010-

As it stands, there have been few updates this last couple of months, but not because there was no gaming, just because there was too much other stuff going on (end of the school year, the previously-mentioned black belt tests, etc.). I would explain all of our happenings in more detail, but there is too much... let me sum up.

In Bruce's adventure with the Yellow Sign, the PCs went to the next town to find out that they were too late once again. The center of the town was a war zone, and we waded in to sort things out once again. After we reached the clean-up stages, we discovered that the bard and her partners had headed to a nearby city to try their luck there (third time's a charm and all that), and we set off in pursuit once again. We arrived in the city to discover that her production was in progress, but not yet at the point where the baddies had materialized, so we decided to crash the show. Combat ensued, with a gateway opening in the playhouse that let in half an alien lake and an entire alien monster. After a major battle, the bad guys were dead, the critter from the other dimension was gone, and the city was saved. You're welcome.

The next week(s), Brian took over running the game, and our PCs were summoned to come to a remote meeting with a potential employer. We gamely trotted out there, only to discover a melee already in progress. Although both sides looked a bit sketchy (a minotaur on one side and orcs on the other), we joined the side fighting the orcs- we just don't like them. It turns out that we chose well (which was good, since we would otherwise have slain the good guys, which would have been awkward), and had made a good first impression on our employer, a prince from a neighboring country. He wanted us to investigate the strange behavior of his father, who had become rather loopy recently, and who was potentially possessed. He gave us a contact in the capital, and off we went.

We met the contact in a park, and were then promptly jumped by were-rats, who tore Kevin into shreds before we could eraticate (sorry, couldn't resist) them. Anyway, we resurrected Kevin and went to see the king, posing as demon investigators. Many things were suspicious about the king, but the giveaway was his deer-like odor, and the presence of deer fur in the blankets- someone had put a polymorphed deer in the king's place. Our revelation of the status of the impostor led to the subsequent revelation that nearly all the other things in the room were demons- what fun! A huge fight ensued, with yours truly (as Khavi) getting two beautiful morning star hits in on the lead demon's skull, and Jeff's half-giant finishing the job. Although I had to leave on that glorious note, the rest of the party also did well, and the remaining demons were finished off.

And that, in an incredibly fast and anti-climatic denouement, is likely the last adventure for this party. As often happens, the group started talking about a new campaign, people got some ideas going in their heads, and now we're all busy creating new characters. Whether it's our new Supers campaign or our new Fantasy campaign, the next campaign update will feature all new characters!


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