Lizard and Lunk

The continuing GURPS adventures of eight men who really should find better uses for their time.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Problems at the Brothel!? We're On It!

18 January 2010 & 1 February 2010-

Sorry to roll two sessions into one summary, but I have quite obviously not made the appropriate sacrifices to the computer gods, and I've gotten to see my supposedly-protected system crash- again. Fume!

Anyway, after the previously-noted session, we cleaned up our gear, slapped on some band-aids, and sent Jeff in search of Arcturus, Kevin's long-absent fire-mage. On thier return, Jeff was approached by local citizens who knew of our reputation and alerted us to a crisis at the brothel (insert any joke here- I'll wait). Jeff returned and got the rest of us, who all felt the need to rescue the innocent (?) civilians from the Red Zombie menace. When we got there, the place was engulfed in a Mystic Mist, which we've encountered before, and which is a royal pain in the butt to overcome, since it is both magically unnerving and disorienting. After a short reconnaissance, we decided that our only viable option was to just go in through the front door, which is never an enviable tactical option. We were worried about reports of a tough group of mercenaries partying there, and suspected that they might have been zombified- which would explain the crisis.

Of course, the screams from inside convinced us not to dally for long, and we went in like a fantasy SWAT team, hanging on to Bruce's centaur's harness straps to keep together in the mist. eBill couldn't make it in, but the mist would have nullified his missile abilities anyway, so it was all up close and personal. We got our first action in a doorway, where Khavi was ambushed from both sides. She and Arcturus bashed and burned one of the bad guys, while Jeff and eMichael did similar bad things to the other guy. That, of course, is when their mage opened up with disturbingly familiar cannon-sized Stone Missiles, which certainly got our attention. We split into two teams, pushing through the mist to find their mage, until eventually Khavi found him and crushed his skull with one near-perfect morning star hit. Crude, but effective.

Once we got cleaned up and healed, we collected ourselves for a well-deserved rest, but we were awakened the next morning with a request for aid from the mayor. It seems that they want us to go into the sewers (and attached underground lake) from which the red mold that makes people into these Red Zombies seems to be emanating, and find the "Scarlet Lord" who is evidently planning to use this plague/curse for his come-back. Obviously, this will be dangerous and unsupported, and the underground area is likely to be chock full of all sorts of zombified critters- and we even get to go in boats (Oh, joy!), so that we can traverse the underground (and undoubtedly giant zombie marine creature-infested) lake. I wonder what zombie cave fish will be like?


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